Town of Sharon Planning Board

Meeting Minutes of 2/16/11

Amended and Approved on 3/23/11

Sharon Community Center

Filmed by SCTV


Planning Board Attendees

Susan Price, Chair

Anne Bingham, Clerk 

Eli Hauser, Vice Chair - absent

Amanda Sloan

David Milowe - absent

Peter O’Cain, Town Engineer



Tom Houston

Rob Maidman - Wilshire Drive

Steve Clougherty - Shepard Place



Chair Report

Chair Susan Price called the meeting to order at 7:30PM and began the Chair’s Report.


Bella Estates/Hunter’s Ridge Bond

Mr. O’Cain provided a bond status for Hunter’s Ridge/Bella Estates dated February 16, 2011 as follows:


“Regarding Bond for Bella Estates (current developer 155-157 North Main Street, Sharon Holdings LLC)

1)     Called Bond Safeguard Company on 2/16/2011, the bond issuing company, at 1:15 pm and spoke to Maureen Aye.  She stated that bond #5036322 for Bella Estates was paid through November 2011 for $428,000.   

2)     Called Elaine Marcus at Hub International – the bond underwriter at 3:33 pm on 2/16/2011 and she also confirmed that the bond for 155-157 North Main Street, Sharon Holdings LLC, Bond number 5036322 is active and the premium is paid for $428,000.

Regarding Bond for Hunter’s Ridge (former developer Hunter’s Ridge Realty Trust)

The two bonds for Hunters Ridge Realty Trust (former developer) are as follows:  Bond #5020936 for Hunters Ridge Road station 12+50 to 19+57 and Cheryl Drive stub road – station 0+00 to 2+00 for $346,000 can be reduced to $0.00, if the Planning Board decides to do so.  The bond #5020919 for Hunters Ridge Road from station 0+00 to 12+50 for the amount of $163,000 can be reduced to $0.00, if the Planning Board so desires.  The total bond reduction would be $346,000 + $163,000 or a total of $509,000.”


Ms. Bingham moved to accept with Mr. O’Cain’s validation, the new bonds for Bella Estates as per his 2/16/11 memorandum to the Planning Board. Ms. Sloan seconded the motion and the Board voted 3-0-0 in favor.


Ms. Bingham voted to direct Mr. O’Cain to release the bonds previously provided by Mr. Mirrione for Hunter’s Ridge as mentioned in Mr. O’Cain’s memo of 2/16/11 to the Planning Board. The bonds are #5020936 for Hunters Ridge Road station 12+50 to 19+57 and Cheryl Drive stub road – station 0+00 to 2+00 for $346,000 and #5020919 for Hunters Ridge Road from station 0+00 to 12+50 for the amount of $163,000. Both can be reduced to $0.00. Ms. Sloan seconded the motion and the Board voted 3-0-0 in favor.


Form A’s, ANR’s, Signs



Tom Houston, Traffic Study for P.O. Square

Mr. Houston presented the Board with a PowerPoint presentation entitled Post Office Square Traffic Study, Traffic Impact Report for PO Square Revitalization. He basically came up with two sets of recommendations; the first is minimal and the second would include signalizing Pond and Billings Streets. His scope included evaluating and developing recommendations for improvements. He believes that both Pond and Billings Streets are candidates for signalization. He looked at the history of vehicle crashes and there was no high rate in this area.  He looked at the existing traffic volumes and determined a 2015 no build traffic volume scenario versus a 2015 build traffic volume scenario. He created a PO Square revitalization trip generation summary based on if build out occurs by the proposed land use changes in the vicinity of PO Square. An example used was the increase in the Delapa apartments from 50 to 95 dwelling units with an additional increase in both office and retail space. He provided office – retail trip distribution, residential trip distribution.


Mr. Houston described the intersection operations analysis he performed. He stated that PO Square is having capacity problems now which could worsen by 2015 whether it is no build traffic volumes or build traffic volumes. He said the area would function at a level F during heavy traffic problems. After looking at the problems he came up with a few suggestions: 1) low impact intersection improvements to the PO Square intersection or 2) he recommended intersection improvements for full build conditions to be done if all of the potential projects pan out.


Rob Maidman of the Economic Development Committee asked Mr. Houston how pedestrians would be able to cross. Mr. Houston said the exclusive pedestrian phase is activated by push buttons now. The concurrent pedestrian crossing is what is commonly used. The Town could make a policy decision to insist on exclusive pedestrian crossing but it will not be an acceptable level of service.


Mr. Houston also discussed the Comparative Intersection Operations for PO Square and Pond and Billings Streets. There is a solution to traffic including what may be built in the Square. He said impacting exclusive pedestrian crossing or parking spaces is a policy issue. Eliminating parking is up to the Selectmen. It is a political issue. Parking on South Main Street is subject to the Mass Highway review as well. Only one handicapped spot located near the Florence Kates Realty is marked. Mr. O’Cain said we should identify places where parking can be added. He likes the low impact model which helps keep East Chestnut moving.


Ms. Sloan asked if you can pick and choose from suggested improvements and Mr. O’Cain said that one is dependent on another. They need to work together. Mr. Houston said changing the timing of the lights to be 60 seconds at PO Square and 110 seconds at Town Hall works well. Town Hall is currently 90 seconds. Changes to light timing would have to be brought to the Selectmen.


Mr. O’Cain said that as far as adding lanes, only Pond/Billings required moving the curb over. Mr. Houston said he would suggest replacing the 3 current parking spots with a lane so the curb would not need to be moved. Ms. Price asked what the process for getting a warrant analysis for signalization at Pond and Billings Street would be. Mr. Houston said we would need to engage his firm for 12 hours. When the Mass Highway adopted their uniform language, it says that you have to meet eight hours volume warrants and has to exceed 150 vehicles on Pond Street for 8 out of the 24 hours. He said this would not be a problem with the envisioned build out but may be questionable in the current environment. Mr. Houston said he would develop a quote for the 12 hour count and Mr. O’Cain said perhaps it could be paid for with DPW Funds.


Meeting Minutes

Review of the 2/9/11 minutes was postponed until the next meeting.


Other Business

1. Ms. Price discussed revisiting the Subdivision Regulations with Tom Houston. Mr. O’Cain said he is gathering everyone’s edits and would like Mr. Houston to provide a quote for his review.

2. Ms. Price let Mr. Houston know that the Board is considering perhaps bringing back Inclusionary Housing, which Mr. Houston had originally drafted.



Ms. Bingham moved to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 PM.  Ms. Sloan seconded the motion and the Board voted 3-0-0 in favor of adjournment.



1. Memorandum dated February 16, 2011 from Peter O’Cain regarding the bond status for Hunter’s Ridge/Bella Estates.

2. Tom Houston’s Traffic Study presentation.